MUNKY Release New Music

Following the release of the well received “You’ve Got Male” earlier this year, MUNKY are back with their second single of 2019. “One In Five” is fired up in both sound and theme from the beginning as the band focus their attention on the #metoo movement, looking at it from the male perspective and theContinue reading “MUNKY Release New Music”

The National Announce New Album

The National have just announced the release of their 8th album I Am Easy To Find, which is due out this in May, along with a trailer. I’m a sucker for the National, as I’ve said several times, so it’s going to be a long, painful wait to get my hands on the album. However, accompanyingContinue reading “The National Announce New Album”

Ireland’s Got Talent: Part 3

We’re back with Part 3 of our Ireland’s Got Talent series! Hopefully you’ve found some new music to fall in love with in parts 1 & 2, but if you’re still looking for that new sound, fear not, Part 3 should take care of that. Silverbacks Silverbacks are a band with massive potential. They’ve releasedContinue reading “Ireland’s Got Talent: Part 3”

Ireland’s Got Talent: Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of our Ireland’s Got Talent series. Part 1 featured our first 4 up-and-coming acts, and today we’ve got 4 more great bands and artists for you to check out. The Murder Capital The Murder Capital are one of the many bands I’ve been dying to see live, and I’m not the onlyContinue reading “Ireland’s Got Talent: Part 2”

Ireland’s Got Talent: Part 1

We’ve produced some great acts here in Ireland, haven’t we? It’s a long list that takes in the internationally known and locally beloved. Today, I want to stay local to a certain degree and talk about some of our up-and-coming acts. Having finally bought a ticket to All Together Now I’ve been running through the list ofContinue reading “Ireland’s Got Talent: Part 1”